Healthy sleep is now recognized as a vital element to our well being. A healthy and productive workforce can make a difference in lower healthcare costs and improved quality of life. Imagine employees eager to engage in innovation, enthusiastic about improving productivity, and energetic about their work! To have such a competitive mindset, employees need to feel and be healthy…and it all starts with a good night’s sleep.
According to a 2005 National Institutes of Health consensus statement, 30% of Americans suffer from disrupted sleep and 10% suffer from daytime impairment or sleepiness (consistent with insomnia). More recently, the 2009 National Sleep Foundation poll reports that 1 out of 4 workers with a sleep problem is unable to work well and efficiently due to sleepiness. Addressing detection, diagnosis and treatment of sleep issues to counter the lack of productivity is critical, especially when results from a study conducted among four U.S. corporations report that fatigue related to a drop in productivity costing those companies an astounding $2,967/employee annually!
The 2008 Sleep in America poll conducted by the National Sleep Foundation on sleep and performance in the workplace found that among working respondents:
- 49% woke up feeling unrefreshed at least a few nights a week in the past month
- 44% report experiencing a sleep problem every night or almost every night
- 29% have fallen asleep or became very sleepy while they were at work because of sleepiness or because they have a sleep problem in the past month
- 12% were late to work due to sleepiness or a sleep problem in the past month
- 32% have driven drowsy at least once per month during the past year
- 33% snored at least a few nights a week in the past month
- 15% reported having unpleasant feelings in their legs at least a few nights
- 25% of those reporting sleepiness are unable to work well and efficiently because they are too sleepy
The Solution
Get your workforce screened and treated for sleep disorders. For more information on how to keep your employees alert and productive, contact us via the form below, or call us today at (913) 203-4040.